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And now for the Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds Wrap-Up Show…

It feels like I’ve been giving a play-by-play account of growing conditions across Latham Country for the past six months.  We’ve covered everything from seed bed prep to SDS detection and fall harvest results.  Most farmers across our six-state marketing area are finishing fieldwork and, now that temperatures have dropped, are applying anhydrous.(

The time is also right to focus one’s attention on next year’s seed needs.  The following reports by Latham’s regional sales managers offer tips and insights on product performance in their areas.  To view yield results in your area, visit

Northwest Iowa

With harvest complete and most field work and fertilizer applications done, the only thing left is anhydrous ammonia application in Northwest Iowa.  Applicators will be in full force this week as the weather continues to be favorable.  Now it’s time to turn your attention to next year’s seed needs.  Genuity® Roundup® Ready 2 Yield Soybeans jumped ahead of the pack, proving themselves as “the bean” to plant next year.  There are many different corn hybrid options to fit your farming operation with equaled success.  Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids with Genuity® VT3 TripleProTM provide an excellent package with late-season insect control.  Latham hybrids with Agrisure® 3000GT have come on strong as well, offering Ignite® as an option for weed control.  Visit to review yield data in your area.

Central Iowa

Bart Peterson says field work is nearly complete across North Central Iowa and anhydrous applications will be complete by the middle of next week.  Field work is about 50% done in West Central Iowa and farmers are just starting to apply anhydrous there.  Now is a great time to get your seed ordered for 2011.  Many Latham® products will be in demand, so order now while quantities are strong.  Below are Bart’s “top picks” for hybrid seed corn and soybeans in his territory.

North Central Iowa

West Central Iowa

South Central Iowa

Harvest is pretty much complete in the northern and central parts of Travis Slusher’s area with some corn left to be harvested in the southern part.  The fall weather has provided many producers great conditions for fall tillage, along with a lot of tiling and terrace and waterway work being done.  Much of the fall fertilizer has been applied.  Farmers are beginning to apply NH3 as temperatures have dropped.

Central Iowa

Harvest, for the most part, is complete across Kevin Meyer’s area.  Producers have taken advantage of one of the nicest falls in recent memory by catching up with some items that didn’t get done a year ago. Now is a good time to study crop notes and finish building a crop plan for 2011.  Strong performance and a diverse line-up of Latham® products offer some great options for next year’s plan.


A few soil samples are being pulled to see what nutrients will be needed for next year, and Wisconsin farmers are now applying fall fertilizer.  They’re also cleaning up the equipment used during harvest, says Steve Bailie.  Last week’s winds, reaching 50 miles per hour, caused problems for fields of corn that had not yet been harvested. Many growers who have corn remaining in their fields will have a few problems getting the corn fed into the heads of their combine.

South Dakota

Bill Eichacker says corn harvest in South Dakota should rap up this week.  Many farmers are completing field tillage and fertilizer application is going strong.