Paintbrush strokes dividing page

After receiving frequent and sometimes heavy rainfall through the month of the September, many farmers today are receiving the first measurable rainfall in the month of October.  The warm, dry fall weather allowed many to finish harvesting all of their crops before they had even started harvesting corn in 2009.  But after nearly 30 straight days of long hours in the field, many farmers are welcoming this opportunity to tackle their “rainy day” lists. 

A very informal and unscientific survey that I conducted today reveals the following “top to dos” for farmers across Latham Country:

  1. Repairing machinery;
  2. Doing bookwork;
  3. Napping;
  4. Meeting with my Latham sales rep to finish crop plans; and
  5. Ordering Latham® seeds for 2011 planting.

I can’t think of a better way to spend the day than meeting with your Latham rep to finish crop plans and getting your seed ordered while the supplies are good. (However, my opinion may be a bit biased!)  Anyone who has seen the great results from Latham® L2440R2 knows this brand is going to be in high demand.  One Latham customer near Odebolt figures this Latham® soybean brand will deliver $150 more per acre because it yielded 15 bushels better than his next best yielding variety.  He achieved whole-field averages of 77 bu/A on an 80-acre field, 76 bu/A on a 110-acre field and 72 bu/A on a 48-acre field.  Another Latham soybean brand, L2984R2, went 73 bu/A across a 142-acre field near Adel, Iowa, while Bob Quinn from WHO radio was riding in the combine. You can also check out other great soybean results online at

We’re also hearing some great reports on the performance of Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids.  Recently, I rode in two different combines in northeast Iowa where our hybrids beat the competition by 30 bushels an acre.  One Latham customer commented, “I just made an extra $200,000 with Latham.  How can I afford to plant anything else?” For corn yield results, visit

What’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day?  I absolutely love baking on rainy days.  Stay tuned for my “Great Pumpkin” cookie recipe this Friday, along with some rainy day activities to keep little ones from getting bored when they’re cooped up inside.