Paintbrush strokes dividing page

I’m a planner.  Although I’m looking forward to the hog roast tomorrow night following Latham’s Third Annual Freedom of Independence Ride, part of me is already thinking about what I might take to next weekend’s potluck.

We’ve been invited to a Labor Day potluck on a farm north of Sheffield, where the kids can enjoy one last dip in the pool while adults relax one last time on the patio before our kids’ fall sports schedules and weather conditions determine our schedules for us!  Because this party will be more like a “farewell to summer,” I want to bring a dish that is fitting for the season.  I also need to keep in mind that both kids and adults alike need to find it appealing.  Then I remembered a recipe that I received recently while visiting Wisconsin.

I have to admit that I never would’ve tried this salad recipe if it hadn’t come recommended by Rebecca Bailie because I’ve always enjoyed recipes she’s shared with me in the past.  As soon as you read the list of ingredients, you might agree that it’s a relatively unusual combination.  It really tastes more like dessert, but I’m going to tell myself it counts as a serving of fruit.  I might even count a Chocolate Zucchini Cupcake as a serving of vegetables.  That means I could still make Brownies in a Roaster for dessert.  🙂

How do you plan to save the last of summer?  I’m always interested in new recipes that make use of in-season fruits and vegetables.  Perhaps you’d like to share one with me!

Grape Salad



  • 1, 8-oz. package cream cheese (not fat free)
  • 1 c. sour cream
  • ¼ c. sugar
  • 1 T. vanilla
  • 2 bunches of seedless grapes (red and green)
  • ½ c. brown sugar
  • ½ c. pecans or walnuts



  1. Mix together cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla.
  2. Fold in grapes.
  3. Pour into serving dish; top with brown sugar and nuts.
  4. Refrigerate 24 hours before serving.  Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

Photo from Comfy in the Kitchen