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There aren’t many things that will prompt a farmer to leave the field early on an October evening. But many Northwest Minnesota farmers will park their equipment for the Kasin’s 4th Annual Halloween Party.

“Mark wanted to have an appreciation party for our seed customers in the fall, and I had always wanted a Halloween Costume party,” explain Karen Kasin, who has helped teach special education for 17 years at Rossman Elementary in Detroit Lakes. Her husband, Mark, farms and has been a seed dealer since 2005. “We decided to combine the two ideas. Our first party was a great success, so we’ve continued the idea ever since.”

The Kasin’s annual Halloween costume IMG_1317party raises funds for local charities and/or local families in need. “We have hosted five benefits for local families,” says Karen. “We ask for free-donations at our Halloween party, and all the money raised goes to a family in need in our community.”

Each year the number of guests at the party seems to grow as word spreads throughout the area, and people who attended in the past invite other friends to join them. While the prospect of feeding hundreds of people seems daunting to many, Karen says “many hands make light work.” Many of the couple’s friends help decorate and prepare the food.

“The decorating is the best part!” says Karen. “Our friends and neighbors spend a night, helping us decorate both the inside of our barn and the yard with lots of orange lights and decorations!”

In addition to their annual Halloween party, each May the Kasins host the Hawley Lion Club’s Breakfast on the Farm. Similar to Wisconsin’s Dairy Days of Summer events, “Breakfast on the Farm” brings farmers and consumers together to foster greater understanding of how food gets from the farmer’s field to a family’s dinner table. Last year an estimated 4,500 attended Breakfast on the Farm!

IMG_1316Planning for a big event begins months in advance, says Karen. She booked the band for the Halloween party months ago. Decorating and food prep begins a few days in advance, so that way everyone is able to enjoy the party.

Today on TheFieldPosition, Karen has agreed to share her simply delicious chili recipe. Whip up a pot this weekend, and stir up some good family memories!

If you want to get into the spirit of the upcoming holiday, you might also be interested in these past blog posts:



2 pounds browned hamburger

1 large bottle of Pace Picante Sauce

2 cans stewed tomatoes

1 can tomato soup

1 or 2 cans kidney beans

Add chili powder to your liking

Optional chopped celery and chopped onions


Mix all ingredients and simmer. Make toppings available when serving: shredded cheese, sour cream and onions.