Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Eastern North Dakota 

Brain McNamee

You can definitely see where pre-emergence herbicides worked and where they didn’t.  There are many environmental reasons, mainly dry weather, leading to really catastrophic weed control.

Look at the Roundup Ready canola coming in this picture. You can see chemical-resistant weeds are a growing problem. This farmer will have not only a more expensive chemical bill, but his yield will be significantly less.

Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

You’re right… this photo isn’t North Dakota. This field happens to be near Percival, Iowa. As a corn product specialist for Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds, I look at hybrids in multiple locations across eight states to take notes on stress tolerance and hybrid vigor.


Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

After the wild week of weather we experienced last week, things have mellowed down. Winds of 90+ miles per hour accompanied last week’s storms, ripping roofs off buildings, uprooting trees and blasting young crops. There has been a fair amount of soybeans replanted, and corn was hailed out in some areas.


Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt

Doing some crop scouting LH 5095 VT2, which is nearing the v7 growth stage. Now is a great time for lots of different scouting in corn. You can scout for herbicide effectiveness, plant health, bugs, and roots. Digging roots can tell you a lot about your soil structure, tillage decisions, and planting.


Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

After a wonderful crop year in 2016, #crop17 has Wisconsin farmers scratching their heads.  Latham® dealer Adam Faust of Chilton continues to experience wet weather.  Northeast Wisconsin has received 7 inches (and counting) of rain this past week, causing washouts and flood warnings.  In some areas, road crews put plows on the trucks to move the mud and field debris off the road.
Photo Credit: Adam Faust

Northwest Iowa 

Darin Chapman

Latham Hi‑Tech Seed corn and soybeans are progressing nicely in Northwest Iowa! We are looking forward to the results we see this fall. Stop by our Field Day on August 31 and see how #crop17 is coming along.

South Central Minnesota & North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

Soybean emergence is uneven due to dry conditions when planted. Now that rain has fallen, more seeds are germinating.

Southeast Minnesota & Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland 

This Latham® soybean plot was planted May 5 in Floyd County and was sprayed on Sunday. Fortunately, last week we received a total of one inch of much needed rain. Keep scouting your corn and soybean fields to stay ahead of any weed, insect or disease issues.

West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Got a kick out of this scene as I drove into the yard of a Latham dealer’s yard in West Central Iowa. Corn is in the V6 development stage and soybeans are between V1 and V3. We are not desperate for rain, but it is welcomed!


Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

We had a hail event go through the region on June 14, causing widespread damage in Linn County.

Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe 

Hail the size of golf balls and baseballs caused severe crop damage around Earlham, Iowa. Many fields in the area are a complete loss.

Western Iowa & Eastern Nebraska  

Larry Krapfl

It is that time of year to keep a watchful eye on fields for the most feared weed in the industry… Palmer Amaranth. This is a stock photo of an image that all producers should have seared into  brains.
