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Northeast Iowa & Southeast Minnesota

Craig Haaland

Here are two of our Double PRO numbers from southeastern Minnesota. With nice kernels and very consistent ear placement, both LH 4727 VT2 PRO RIB and LH 4955 VT2 PRO RIB both are looking good in the field.

Soybeans are starting to drop leaves, so harvest will be underway in a couple years.

Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Harvest is coming on quickly! If you would like help calibrating your yield monitor for either corn or soybeans, my weigh wagon is available. This week’s featured product is L 2368 R2 FX. This super new 2.3 maturity Roundup 2 Xtend soybean has looked great in our plots. This soybean is loaded with pods and is standing great. Check with your local Latham® dealer to see if this variety fits your field.

North Central Iowa & South Central Minnesota

Cory Greiman

Here’s a bird’s eye view of Latham® corn SuperStrip plot near Garner on September 17.


West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

This field of LH 5215 VT2 PRO was planted May 29, 2017 at a population of 35,000 in Humboldt County.


Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

An up close view of soybeans near Boone, IA. Harvest is near for this field!


Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

Farmers in Northwest Iowa are getting their combines ready for 2017 harvest! I can’t wait to see this LH 4727 VT2 go through the combine!  Plus, Latham 2184 R2X soybeans are showing a lot of 4-bean pods.

Western Iowa & Eastern Nebraska

Larry Krapfl

Ear pinching results from severe stress during the 7 to 10 leaf collar stages (V7-10) may result in reduced numbers of kernel rows. The more stress from the summer dry spell, the more apparent the pinching. This is not hybrid specific as it is effecting several hybrids to the degree of stress  the corn was put under.


Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

Harvest is officially underway on soybeans as I received my first harvest report yesterday.  Latham’s L 1438 R2 yielded 75 bu/Acre at 14% moisture. With yield reports like this, you can’t help but get excited for #harvest17!

Latham products are set to finish the year strong in Wisconsin.  While walking a Latham(R) Corn SuperStrip in Utica, I couldn’t help but notice the consistently large ear size on this LH 5245 VT2PRO.  I am excited to see where yields come in this fall.

Another new product I am excited about this year is L 1845 R2X.  In both locations, it has excellent standability with lots of pods on lateral branches.  It appears to be a great defensive Soybean against White Mold.

Eastern North Dakota

Brian McNamee

It’s silage chopping season here in North Dakota. I’m happy to report that in some areas the yields are exceeding last year’s banner year! Fields under moderate to severe drought stress are showing rapid dry down and, as expected, poorer than average yields.

One thing to note: If your farm experienced early drought followed by average to above average rainfalls, there might be as much as a 3-week delay on maturity.

Pictured here are Latham customers in front of a field of LH 4532/RR LFY. Honestly, this picture doesn’t do justice for how good that crop really looks!


Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

One of our Latham® dealers is harvesting silage near Emeradro, ND this week!


Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

Silage chopping is in full swing! L5062LFY running 24-30 ton/acre in South Dakota. Have been some really goo 4th cuttings of hay as well. A few soybean fields off in drier regions 18-28 bu/acre.


Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Two hybrids, two fields, miles apart, both 22 rows around. The field of LH 4242 VT2 PRO RIB was planted near Arlington, SD, and the field of LH 5339 SS RIB is near Montrose, SD.

Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Yesterday we harvested the Latham Silage research plot near Emerado, North Dakota. Our leafy hybrids have twice as many leaves above the ear, which adds to tonnage.  New genetics, with native drought and insect tolerance, allowed these plants to grow very tall and for high-yielding silage.


Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt

Here’s one cluster of 4-bean pods that I found on a plant of 2184 R2X in southern Minnesota! I’m really excited to start harvest!
