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While harvest was in full swing around the Upper Midwest, regulators and lawmakers were busy making changes that will affect the planting of some soybean technologies next spring. Below is a brief overview of four new and emerging soybean technologies of interest to us at Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds.

  1. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans: The EPA in mid-October reached an agreement with Monsanto and the manufacturers of dicamba herbicides to lessen the possibility of damage from drift and volatilization. Monsanto, BASF and DuPont have cooperated with the EPA and the various state agencies and have voluntarily agreed to promote the new labels.

    It’s important that Latham® dealers learn the new guidelines, so they can ask their customers to follow them when planting Roundup Ready® 2 Xtend® soybeans. Here’s a brief summary of the changes as of mid-October:

    • Dicamba products will be restricted use. Only certified applicators with specific training can purchase and apply these products.
    • Farmers will be required to maintain records of all dicamba products used.
    • Wind speed must be below 10 miles per hour (mph) at time of application.
    • There will be a reduction in the time of day that dicamba may be applied.
    • To prevent cross contamination, there will be specific guidelines on tank clean-out.
    • Additional record-keeping will be required to increase awareness of risks to susceptible crops.

Keep in touch with your local and state extension agencies, as well as with your chemical retailers, for the complete new labels and guidelines.

  1. Enlist E3 soybeans: Also in mid-October, it was announced that farmers in select areas will be able to plant Enlist E3 (2,4-D Choline tolerant) soybeans in 2018.  Dow AgroSciences and ADM have formed a partnership to maintain a closed-loop production system for the use and marketing of this new technology.  E3 soybeans are tolerant to three different herbicide families: glyphosate, 2-4-D Choline and glufosinate.

    Farmers near ADM soybean processing plants will have specific rules and regulations when accepting the grain from these fields.  Right now the only plants mentioned are in Mankato, Minn.; Frankfort, Ind., Mexico, Missouri; and Deerfield, Missouri. We are hopeful that others may be added and will keep you informed as we get more information.

  2. LibertyLink soybeans: Bayer recently sold this technology to BASF. Because Monsanto is trying to purchase Bayer, this sale was necessary to keep their product portfolio in tune with the Department of Justice rulings. We look forward to working with the people at BASF on this soybean technology as we already have a tremendous relationship with them regarding corn genetics.
  3. Balance GT soybeans: While the trait has been approved globally, we’re waiting for the EPA to approve the Balance Bean herbicide. We placed some of these soybeans in SuperStrip plots and F.I.R.S.T. trials in 2017 (listed as EGT) and saw some very promising yield results!

Stay tuned to our blog ( and to our TECHtalk newsletter for updates on these important traits and technologies.