Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls


3 cups hot water

2 cubes or 1 cup margarine-at room temperature

1 cup honey

6 eggs

1½ tsp salt

2/3 cup powered milk

3 Tbsp. dry yeast

8 cups whole wheat flour


  1. Grind 5 to 6 C wheat in the Magic Mill on fine.
  2. Pour the hot water into the Magic Mixer bowl and add the margarine. Let the margarine soften. Add the honey, eggs, and salt to the water. Combine the powdered milk with 2 C whole wheat flour and sift into the other ingredients. Knead thoroughly. Add the yeast and blend. Add the rest of the whole wheat flour and knead on speed I for 10 minutes.
  3. Cover with a towel and let rise for 2 hours. Divide dough into 2 sections and roll out on a lightly floured board. Brush with melted margarine, sprinkle with a generous amount of sugar and cinnamon. Roll up like a jelly roll and cut into½" rolls.
  4. lace on a greased baking sheet and smash with palm of hand. Let rise until double. These rolls do not fall easily so let them rise to be very light. As long as 2 hours. Turn oven on to 350° and bake 20 minutes.


  1. You may add nuts or raisins to the batter or sprinkle on the nuts or raisins with the sugar and cinnamon. The rolls do not fall easily so it does not hurt them to become very light before their time comes for the oven.
    2. CARAMEL TOPPING: Combine 1 C whipping cream, 1 C brown sugar, and ½ C nuts. Pour into 9" x 9" baking dish. Cut the cinnamon rolls into ½" rolls and place 9 of them into the baking dish on top of 'the whipping cream mixture. Let them rise 15 minutes and put into a 350 oven for about 45 minutes. Let them cool in the pan and then invert them. Delicious topped with caramel topping!

Makes 3 dozen rolls.