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When Steve Sick was 12 years old, he started working summers in the corn nursery in Freemont, Nebraska, where his dad was research director at J.C. Robinson Seed Co. He developed a love for agriculture and continued his career in R&D well after high school (24 years to be exact) before moving into Product Management.

“I learned the seed business from the inside out,” Steve says. “I didn’t grow up on a farm and I did not attend college, but I’ve been involved in agriculture my entire life.”

After working for several larger companies over the years, Steve is happy to get back to what he calls “the bare roots and basics of seed” in his new role as Latham’s product manager.

“I honestly enjoy talking to and teaching growers about new products to help them be more successful in the farming operations,” Steve says. “You’ll never leave a conversation with me and not know exactly where I stand on a topic or a product. It’s just who I am.”


Steve and his wife, Cindy, have been married for 32 years. They go to Las Vegas twice a year, with Steve betting on sports and Cindy enjoying the slots. (This June will mark their 59th trip to Vegas.) They also have taken on a growing interest in watching their granddaughter, Emily, play her favorite sport: bowling.

“She wants to be a professional bowler when she grows up,” Steve says. “Her high game is 205. Not bad for a 12-year-old!”