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It’s hard to believe something so amazing can originate from something so small! A tiny alfalfa seed holds unmatched genetic potential. It also harnesses so much potential for a return on your investment.

To help you see how this investment in seed more that pays, HarvXtra® has created a value calculator. See where the value lies:

There are many benefits to planting HarvXtra. The ability to increase yield capacity while taking one less cutting per season saves you time and labor. Making fewer passes across the field leads to less compaction and helps increase winter hardiness. Even better, HarvXtra produces outstanding forage quality. These dividends can get completely eclipsed by the initial investment.

As a grower, you can unleash that potential by seeding the alfalfa into fertile soil. Use the best seeding methods available. Manage weed pressure using the advantage of the Roundup Ready gene, and let the genetics work for you!