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Do more with less. It’s the mantra of most businesses these days, including farming. Each week I visit with more and more farmers who are working hard to cut input costs and bolster earnings.

But cost is just half the equation. The other half is revenue. Since many farmers have already locked in input costs this year, the question becomes: how do I grow more bushels per acre to ratchet up revenue earnings?

One way to increase earnings is by taking advantage of  Latham Hi‑Tech Hybrids Seed2Soil consulting program. Launched two years ago, the Seed2Soil program has successfully helped increase growers’ yields and revenues, acre by acre. Our seed experts sit down with farmers to understand factors affecting yield. And because factors can vary from field to field, they develop customized recommendations for each farm and field.

Our experience with individual farmers tells the story. Time spent matching seed traits with soil and input qualities makes a difference, sometimes as much as 20-30 bushels per acre. With high input costs such as yield variation is significant.

Farmers have to be good at finding cost savings; however, to effectively improve profit you must consider revenue. The beauty of modern crop farming is that input volumes don’t have to increase to boost yield. Therefore, any extra yield produced within a fixed cost structure goes right to the bottom line.

Let Latham Hi‑Tech Hybrids Seed2Soil help chart the plan to improve the revenue side of the earnings equation.