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asa-on-the-hill4Members of the Iowa Soybean Association visited Capitol Hill in Des Moines March 31 to talk with state legislators. This is a photo of members of the Ag-Urban Leadership Initiative, a group working to enhance both Iowa agriculture and non-agriculture businesses and build a better quality of life for rural and urban residents.  One goal of the day was to show legislators the breadth of important issues ISA is currently working on, including environmental programs, production research, biodiesel, soy transportation and international marketing, among others. Plus, we had a great lunch made with soyfood products. The tofu-stuffed pasta shells were exceptional!

Here are the people in the photo:

Back Row (L to R):  Tom Oswald (07), LeAnn Strother (08), Virginia Hagemann (Hubert’s wife), Hubert Hagemann (09), Kyle Maas (08), Roger Custer (08), Annette Sweeney (08), Paul Kirpes (07)

Front Row (L to R):  Carol Balvanz (staff), Val Plagge (staff), Martha McCormick (08), Pat Grote (staff), Shannon Latham (08), Karey Claghorn (08), Linda Upmeyer (08)