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Central Iowa
Bart Peterson reports that corn is 100% planted in his area, with seedlings ranging from the V1 to V4 stage of growth. Soybeans are 98% planted, with seedlings ranging from the VE to V1 stage. He hasn’t seen any insect pressure at this time.

Northeast Iowa
Tom Larson says that planting finished last week in the western part of his territory, while planting is just getting underway in the eastern part. Plots went in fast and furious. By the end of the weekend, there were just a few areas that still have beans to plant. A few acres of corn were replanted in areas where the ground was wet to start with and then developed a crust on top. Frost also set back some corn acres. He also has noticed some Pythium in soybean acres where seeds were planted in less than ideal conditions; a seed treatment on those early-planted acres would have helped.

Central Iowa
Bob Collins reports that planting is almost finished in his area. Most of the corn is up and looking good.  A few early planted bean fields are up, too. He’s not aware of any insect problems yet, but some of the corn needs to be sprayed to control the grasses.

Northwest Iowa
Bruce Anderson says planting is 99% complete with corn coming up well with good stand. The soil has a good amount of moisture accumulated, which will help in July.  Spraying will begin soon with as some grass is growing at the end of corn rows.

West Central Iowa
Planting is pretty much complete in Travis Slusher’s territory.  Corn is looking good and he hasn’t yet seen any insect pressure. In the southern part of his territory, fields received about an inch of rain this past week.  Those in the northern part received about three inches of rain.

Eastern Iowa
Corn planting is 99% complete and beans are 95% complete in Brad Beatty’s territory. Emergence has been good for both corn and soybeans. He hasn’t noticed any insect pressure yet, but he says they’re probably a week out from seeing cut worm. He also says it’s time to get out and start scouting for weeds, so you can keep them under control.

East Central Iowa
Wayde McNeil’s territory of Jasper, Poweshiek, Marshall, and Tama counties has received anywhere from one to three inches of rain this past week. Planting is complete, and the corn and beans are growing well. He hasn’t yet noticed any insect pressure.

South Dakota
Bill Eichacker says the southeastern part of the state is pretty much finished with planting while  the northern part is struggling to get seeds in the ground because due to the wet spring and flood waters from North Dakota.  For those farmers who have been able to plant, it’s time to scout for black cut worm and take care of any weed problems.

Jason Obermeyer reports that corn planting is done. He says that emergence is good on most fields, though the fields with high amounts of trash look a little more uneven due to cooler soils. Soybean planting is nearly finished. The cold snap about 10 days ago dinged some soybean fields that were emerged, mostly in areas of lower elevations, so sporadic replants may need to be done. Post emerge spraying on corn will begin in earnest this week.

Brian Banks reports that corn is up to 4 leaf in areas.  Some post herbicide applications are under way. Soybeans are up to unifoliate, but most are just emerging.  There may have to be some replanting of soybeans this year, but definitely not for the reasons we had last year.  Some beans had enough moisture to sprout but then the high temps and 40 mph winds last week dried them out so bad that stands are thin. Rains have continued to be spotty. Isolated areas get some rain but overall eastern Nebraska is well below average for rainfall. Many growers are running pivots to get the beans up and to keep the corn from drying up already.