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We’re receiving amazing reports across Latham’s marketing territory about the increased potential yield this fall of Latham® Hi‑Tech Soybeans with the GenuityTM Roundup Ready 2 YieldTM trait.  Yesterday Travis Slusher and I looked at a field in Dallas County where we saw significantly more pods per plant on the Latham RR2Y beans than on the Pioneer beans that we’re competing against.

Here’s an example of how more beans per pod equates to a lot more beans in the bin come harvest:

Latham L 3184 R2 v. Pioneer 93M11

……………………………………….  L 3184 R2                              93M11

Pods per plant                          34                                           28

2-bean pods                               6                                            12

3-bean pods                              28                                           16

Total beans per plant              96                                           72

The Latham Advantage is 24 beans /plant = 3,504,000 seeds per acre more

Both are have an estimated final stand of 142,000 plants.