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MaxYield Cooperative featured Latham in a recent issue of My Solutions with an article titled Latham Seeds Declares Its Independence: Locally-Owned Business Offers Options for Area Growers.

We were pleased with the write up because it highlighted those things we think best define Latham: truly local service, dedication to innovation, and high quality products. Below are two quotes that I pulled from the article that show how, through our independence, we’re able to offer customers the best products for their land.

“Because Latham is independent, I look to them as a gauge to determine which companies offer the best technology,” said Greg Sweeney, a MaxYield seed solutions specialist, who noted that Latham seeds are bred for the high-pH, poorly drained soils common throughout MaxYield’s trade territory. “In a business where every company claims to offer the best products, Latham offers a fresh opinion to help us determine which seed genetics fit each operation best.”

“You get one chance to get it right at planting, and I have a lot of respect for the track record Latham has with MaxYield,” said Kurt Metzger, a MaxYield seed solutions specialist who has worked with Latham for more than 25 years. “Seed is not a commodity like DAP or potash, and it’s so important to plan the right seed on the right soil.”

Click here to read the full article.