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The February issue of Wallaces Farmer contains the article “Time to pick crop insurance,” reminding farmers of the March 15 deadline to sign up for insurance on their 2010 crops.

One question many farmers have about purchasing insurance is whether to purchase by basic unit, enterprise unit or optional units. The four choices of crop insurance include:

Optional units: Each farm and crop is insured separately. If you farm three different farms in a county, each has its own coverage.

Basic units: Your owned and rented acres in the same county are combined, but each crop is separate.

Enterprise units: All acres of the same crop in the same county are combined. So, all your corn acres are insured separately from your bean acres.

Whole Farm units: All your corn and bean acres in the county are combined.

Work with your crop insurance agent to better understand each form available before determining the best option for your farm. Click here for more information that may help you make your crop insurance decisions.