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Agricultural and political leaders are concerned about the potential economic impact the Gulf oil spill could have on barge traffic along the Mississippi River. Congressmen are urging President Obama and the Coast Guard to fully evaluate the impact of the BP Oil Spill on Mississippi River shipping lanes, according to an article posted Friday on the Wallaces Farmer website.

More than half of the nation’s soybeans were exported from the Mississippi Gulf region in 2009. Mike Steenhoek, executive director of the Soy Transportation Coalition headquartered at the offices of the Iowa Soybean Association near Des Moines says the United States’ ability to meet customer demand would be compromised. Farmer incomes would be reduced due to a likely widening basis.  A disruption of shipping from the Mississippi Gulf region would have a detrimental impact on agriculture, in general, and the soybean industry, in particular. Click here to read the full article.

In true agriculture fashion, an innovative idea has been brought to the table as a possible solution to the Gulf oil spill to safeguard the Midwest’s ag economy. Check out this video: