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A Wallaces Farmer article posted today highlighted that corn and soybeans throughout Iowa have progressed rapidly toward maturity this past week.

The weekly weather and crop conditions survey released August 30 by the Iowa office USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service shows 8% of Iowa’s corn crop has already reached maturity. Seventy-seven percent of the crop has started to dent, and 94% has entered or reached dough stage. Corn condition has improved slightly with 69% of the state’s crop now rating “good to excellent.” Click here for the full report.

Soybeans as of August 30 have begun to drop their leaves in some fields, the article stated. Pods have now been set on virtually all of the state’s soybean acres, and 14% of Iowa’s soybean acres have turned color–which is ahead of last year’s 4% and the 5-year average of 13% at the end of August.

Click here for the full article.