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A big part of agriculture is the reality that Mother Nature holds an incredible amount of the possibility of success or failure in the palm of her hand. Unfortunately, this year “flooding” has been the word of the season for many in the Midwest.

Just over a month ago the Army Corps of Engineers broke a levee to relieve flooding problems in Cairo, Illinois, and more than 200 square miles of Missouri farmland were submerged in the onslaught of rising waters.

This week residents in South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska have been evacuating their homes and businesses as the swollen Missouri River continued to rise. Residents close to the Missouri are expected to get four to six feet of water in their homes.

True to the American spirit, hundreds of volunteers are working to minimize expected damage by providing materials and time stacking sandbags to hold waters back.  We couldn’t help but join the volunteer effort when we heard about our customers’ and their families who are being affected. Yesterday, our Latham truck drivers and local sales manager drove mini bulk seed bags to South St. Sioux to be used as sandbags.

You can watch a video of volunteer efforts at the below link:
South Dakota Flooding Volunteer Efforts

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the families and communities affected by flooding this season. Red Cross is working to provide volunteers and funding to those areas affected by flooding. Click here if you would like to donate.