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We’re preparing to go on air shortly for the second round of the From the Field” Crop Tour Series with News Radio 1040 WHO, and wanted to provide you with an update from each of the four producers’ fields being featured in the crop tour series. Tune into News Radio 1040 WHO today between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., when we’ll provide live on-air updates including plant growth stages and growing conditions.

Meet each of the featured producers below and receive updates on their growing season progress.

Scott Jencks’ field in Hawkeye, Iowa

The Jencks’ field of Latham® hybrid LH 5877 VT3PRO was scouted on June 6, and the crop is looking great.  Ninety-five percent of the corn plants are at the V4 stage.  Plant population is ranging from 32,000 to 38,000 – and that’s right where we want it to be in this variable rate field.  Recent warm, dry weather has helped give crops here a boost, but it’s getting to the point where a little moisture is needed.  The soil here is dry enough that it’s starting to crack.


Scott Mandernach’s field near Odebolt

As of June 6, Latham® hybrid LH 6167 VT3PRO that Scott Mandernach planted May 4 is at V5 stage with great stand and great root structure. The corn is about 18 inches tall throughout the field. The field has been pretty dry for the last week and a half, but that dry spell was needed to force the roots to dig down a little deeper after a wet spring. There is no disease or insect pressure at the moment.

Johnny Wilson’s field near Laurel, Iowa

Scouted on June 9, Latham® hybrid LH 5877 VT3PRO is looking good right now. Recent dry weather let the roots establish themselves, but yesterday’s rain was welcome. There seems to be a good hold on stand. The field was planted on May 3 at a population of 36,000 plants/acre. There is no sign of disease or insects in the field at this time.

Mike Aldinger’s soybean field near Iowa Falls, Iowa

This soybean field was scouted June 9.  The soil has been dry for the past 10 days but it started to rain as we were scouting.  This crop looks good for the most part. Plants are at the V1 stage, working on V2. Population looks good, and the plants have developed a good root system. There are a few bean leaf beetle marks on the leaves, but insect pressure is minimal throughout the field.