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The number of corn acres are expected to rise for 2012 planting. Since only a portion of the projected acreage was planted to soybeans in 2011, it stands to reason that more acres will be continuous corn in 2012.

Corn-on-corn can be a profitable venture if those acres are properly managed:

  1. Residue management is the first step of a successful corn-on-corn situation.
  2. Fertility should be evaluated and applications planned for continuous corn fields. It really pays to have a soil test to determine needs for N, P & K.
  3. Work with your Latham representative to put a crop plan together and stick with it.  Selecting hybrids with the right trait package is important, but that’s just one part of a crop plan.  These plans should focus on hybrid selection, plant population, fungicide usage and other management issues.

Hybrid selection can make a 40- to 50-bushel difference in grain yield, according to university researchers. Important hybrid characteristics for continuous corn include quick emergence, stalk strength, as we potential disease problems in corn following corn.
Spread your risk and increase your potential for high yields by planting at least three different Latham® hybrids with differences in genetic traits, maturity or disease susceptibility.  Balance yield with reasonable grain moisture.  Hybrids must be well suited specifically to the area they will be grown.  Hybrids planted in continuous corn situation must be able to perform across the field in tough conditions.  Spray with a foliar fungicide to help preserve overall late-season intactness.

Although corn supplies are tight this fall throughout the industry, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds still has availability for these hybrids in corn-on-corn situations: