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Seed-2-Soil powered by Sci Max Team Leader

Much time will be spent this week reflecting on 2011 and resolving to make changes in 2012. One change farmers can make in 2012 is resolving to better manage weeds.

Weed resistance is a growing problem (literally) in our area. One weed that continues to cause problems is waterhemp. As you make plans for your 2012 soybean weed control programs, please ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I seeing waterhemp escapes in my soybean fields?
  2. Am I using multiple modes of action and residual herbicides with post-emergence in my soybean herbicide program to help prevent resistance from taking place in my fields?
  3. Am I allowing weeds to compete with my crop early in the season that may be impacting yield?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, the best step to take is to address the issue by using FULL rates of pre-emergence herbicides in your soybean fields. Kevin Bradley, a weed scientist from the University of Missouri, conducted trials with waterhemp in soybeans. According to Bradley’s research, a pre-emergence herbicide applied before soybean planting reduced late-season waterhemp density by 97 percent.

Results like that – 97% reduction in waterhemp density – is worth trying! After all, resolving to change your weed management program is a lot easier than resolving to walk or run on one’s treadmill every day.