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submitted by Aaron Putze
Director of External Relations & Coordinator
Iowa Food & Family ProjectIowa Soybean Association

Today marks the two-year remembrance of the 7.0-magnitude quake that devastated Haiti, killing tens of thousands and leaving more than a half-million people homeless.

“Special Delivery. Homes. Help. Hope. For Haiti,”launched last month and coordinated by the Iowa Food & Family Project, is in full swing. Its goal: to generate cash donations of more than $300,000 to the Global Compassion Network for the purchase and construction 48 Sukup SafeTHomes on the Village of Hope near Port au Prince.

“Special Delivery” campaign co-chairs Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds and Ag Secretary Bill Northey will join representatives of GCN, Iowa FFP and Iowa Soybean Association on today’s Jan Mickelson Show from 9-10 a.m. (listen in at 1040 on your AM dial).

Also, be sure to read a guest editorial about the campaign in today’s Des Moines Register and share it via Facebook and Twitter. The Register will also provide ongoing updates as the campaign progresses. To date, more than a dozen SafeTHomes have been donated!

Thank you for helping share the “Special Delivery” story as we strive to provide homes, help and hope to the neediest of the needy.