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While many Midwest farmers have yet to get their corn in the ground, others are contemplating whether or not to till up their poor crop and try it again.  Poor stands have resulted in some fields where cool temperatures and wet soils put significant stress on seed germination and corn seedlings.

There are three important steps farmers should take when deciding whether to replant:

  1. Evaluate the existing stand for population and uniformity.
  2. Compare yield potential of the existing stand with yield potential of the replant.
  3. If the decision is made to replant, consider various management practices to optimize yield by protecting your crop.

When evaluating corn stands, only count plants that have a good chance of survival.  Observe the uniformity of the stand across the field to determine whether the entire field – or just portions of it – must be replanted.  Click here to watch Steve Bailie, Latham’s Regional Sales Manager in Wisconsin, explain how to do a stand count.  ISU Ag Economist William Edwards also has a developed a replant calculator, based on price expectations and the extra costs associated with replanting that might be helpful.

A chart in a recent issue of Integrated Crop Management will also give you an idea of potential losses from later planting dates.  As Roger Elmore writes, however, this may be the kind of year where late planting has little or no penalty.

Another factor to consider on replanted acres is pest management.  Most soil insecticides cannot be legally applied twice in the same growing season in the same field.  With this in mind, replanting with Latham® brand corn containing the Genuity® family of traits provides farmers with more options to combat insects.  Contact your local Latham representative or call 1-877-GO-LATHAM (1-877-465-2842) for assistance.

Agronomic Spotlight: Assess Corn & Soybean Stands