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It’s that time of year when communities show their hometown pride by turning ot for Friday night football games.  Saturday I’ll be heading to Ames, Iowa, where I’ll be celebrating Iowa State’s 100th Homecoming – and hopefully a Cyclone victory.  Whether or not ISU gets the “W” will depend on how well they play as a team – on both sides of the fields.

Regardless of how good a particular football team is, I’m sure you’ll agree that it can’t win on the gridiron by having only a strong offense or a strong defense. It takes both!

The same is true whether you’re planting in a corn field or a soybean field.  Remember to plant a minimum or four different seed numbers, with a mixture of offensive and defensive traits.  You also want to make you have a mix of maturities to further reduce your risk.

As you finalize your seed purchases for 2013, remember:

  1. Diversify your crop plan.
  2. Protect 2013 Yields with Traits.  NOTE:  Not all traited products are created equal.
  3. Respect the refuge.
  4. Plant the right trait for your situation.