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Farmers need multiple options to fight corn rootworm (CRW), and the efficacy of Agrisure DuracadeTM appears promising.  With its new and unique mode of action, Agrisure Duracade will be combined with the Agrisure® RW trait to provide dual modes of action on corn rootworm.

When more than one trait is added to individually control corn borer and CRW, studies have shown the yield advantage increases by an additional 6-8 bushels per acre over the single-traited CRW protected hybrids.  Research by the United States Department of Agriculture has reported that the Agrisure Duracade trait delivers the highest reduction in beetle emergence (99.79%) of any commercial CRW trait.*

Corn rootworm is the single most destructive pest in U.S. corn production.  Before the availability of corn-rootworm-resistant biotech traits, populations of western corn rootworm and northern corn rootworm caused annual yield losses and control costs that exceeded $1 billion.  To prevent corn rootworm damage from reaching such devastating levels again, it’s important for farmers to plant a portfolio of products and to reduce risk with rotationRotation involves rotating modes of action, and that’s why Agrisure Durcade will be an important defense mechanism in farmers’ ongoing battle with CRW.

Supplies of Latham® Hi‑Tech Hybrids with the Agrisure Duracade trait will be available for the 2014 sales/planting season.  For more information, talk to your local Latham® representative or call 1-877-GO-LATHAM (1-877-465-2842).

*Field measures of Western corn rootworm mortality caused by transgenic corn expressing the mCry3A (MIR604) and eCry3.1Ab (5307) proteins. (Hibbard et al. ESA Meeting December 2010)