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As the number of corn-on-corn acres has increases, corn rootworm management becomes increasingly important. That’s why I’m pleased to announce that Latham’s 2014 product lineup includes 36 hybrid seed corn products, offering six different trait combinations in various maturities, for rootworm (RW) control.

Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds is able to guarantee trait and genetic diversity because we’re a family-owned company that works with multiple trait and genetic providers. Our independence allows us to provide farmers with an industry-leading number of product choices from provides including: Monsanto, Bayer, BASF, Syngenta, Dow AgroSciences and more.

Talk about choices for farmers!  Our 2014 corn product lineup includes:

Rootworm control is a must in corn-on-corn protection, so it’s important to determine which trait is right for your situation.  In an area with heavy rootworm pressure or multiple years of corn-on-corn, plant Latham hybrids with two modes of action against CRW like Genuity® SmartStax®, Agrisure Duracade or 3122 technology. Look at dual modes of action and consider rotating crops in areas where rootworm pressure is extreme.

You’ll see great options like Genuity VT3 PRO, VT3 and Agrisure 3000GT that work well in moderate corn rootworm situations of minimal years of corn-on corn or extended diapause in ground that has been rotated.  These are proven technologies that are combined with the best genetics to help maximize yields.

Because corn-on-corn acres are more susceptible to challenges presented by weather, soil and pest pressure, Latham has introduced the Gladiator designation to help with 2014 seed selection. Gladiator hybrids have the industry’s most advanced genetic foundation, offering powerful root and stalk strength and superior above- and below-ground insect protection. Give them a try as part of your diversified 2014 crop plan!

Don’t forget that genetics make yield but traits protect yield! During the 2013 growing season, we’ve seen how different genetics handle stress from drought and wind.  That’s why genetic diversity is so important. Plant a portfolio of 4 to 6 different Latham® numbers for added protection.

Need help figuring out what to plant where?  Ask your local Latham representative about our all-new Seed-2-Soil program. Or, contact the Latham office directly at 641-692-3258.