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While reading Corn and Soybean Digest recently, I came across an article about using our “off-season” time to prepare for the “2014 game” or growing season.  Author Dean Heffta writes, “Every business – whether its seasons are set by the weather or not – needs to create and utilize an ‘off season’.”

LeBron James used off-season training to become a better low-post player after the Miami Heat lost the NBA tournament in 2011.  James sought help from the great Hakeem Olajuwan to hone skills needed to improve his performance.  As a result of James’ preparation and leadership, the Heat won back-to-back league championships in 2012 and 2013.

What can we do in the “off season” to prepare ourselves to win the game in 2014?  Use your ‘off season’ time between harvest and planting:

  1. Review – Reflect upon the past season(s), and consider changes to improve those areas in 2014.
  2. Development skills – Try a new technology like Latham’s hallmark Seed-2-Soil program or download a new app like our 2014 seed guide.
  3. Plan – Step back from day-to-day operations.  Consider where your farm is going.  Explore ways to reach your goals.  Plan for 2014.

An important role of every leader is scripting plays for the upcoming season. Take time to plan the details so everyone knows what’s next.  While the process can seem a little overwhelming after a long, tiring growing season, simply for considering just one area of your operation that, if worked on, would make the biggest difference to your farm over time.

Click here for tips from Heffta on how to “execute your off season plan.”  I’ll also be there to help in any way that I can, too.  All you have to do is call! 1-877-GO-LATHAM (1.877.465.2842)
