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It’s been a dry summer across Latham Country. After weeks of reporting “cool, dry conditions persist,” it’s good to hear that many areas received heat units and rainfall during the past 7 days. Above-normal temperatures during the week aided crop development.

Eighty-eight percent of Iowa’s corn crop is in the dough stage or beyond, which is 17 days ahead of last year and 8 days ahead of the five-year average. Three-quarters of the corn is rated in good to excellent condition. Ninety-four percent of the soybean crop is setting pods or beyond, which is 13 percentage points above last year and 1 point above average. Nearly ¾ of the soybean acreage is in good to excellent condition.

The week ending Aug. 25 was Iowa’s wettest in seven weeks. Topsoil moisture levels improved. Subsoil moisture levels rated 4 percent very short, 21 percent short, 73 percent adequate, and 2 percent surplus. Click here for regional updates in the territories we cover.