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LaurenS-1Our celebration of October Pork Month (#porktober) continues today as we introduce you to Lauren Schwab, who lives with her family on their farm just north of Cincinnati, Ohio. Lauren blogs at “Farm Girl with Curls” where she and her piglets “share adventures one oink at a time.” She shares everything from the birth of piglets to what pigs eat on a family farm.

If you’re already engaged in #RealPigFarming, I think you’ll find Lauren’s writing style refreshingly candid and her story totally relatable. If you’re someone who has questions about modern day pork production, you’ll find Lauren’s blogs transparent and informative. So sit back and enjoy learning about Lauren and her family’s pig farm in her own words…

Little did I know this was in my future when my dad grew his passion for raising pigs into a business in the 1970s. He is a first-generation farmer, who has faced more hardship than I can begin to imagine. Some days I wonder why God made me the daughter of a pig farmer, and it is through the heartaches and prayers we cling to when I realize exactly why He did.

I hold close vivid memories of my dad working day to night and having me come out to work with him on the farm as a child. I remember the summers seeming endless as my little brother and I showed pigs at the county fair. We spent our summer days walking the pigs down our back country road, chasing after them through the fields, and resting our heads on their bellies for a nap at the end of the day. The pigs were entertained by chewing on our rubber boots and begging us to sneak them a potato chip after their walks. 


I still look forward to county fair week, where I can see youth show their animals and display leadership. Raising animals teaches you hard work and commitment to another life. It allows you have a bond with that animal and showcase your ability to raise a healthy animal and provide a food product people can feel good about purchasing. 

We want people to feel good about the pork their purchasing for their families, and that’s why I feel compelled to tell our family’s story. Actually, the Peterson Farm Brothers inspired me by sharing their family’s story about beef production through parody videos. They provide entertainment with a positive message about farming. 

Some days it is difficult to put myself out there online and share our story because farming keeps us busy all hours of the day. I have a love hate relationship with social media. I love sharing what my family does and our precious animals with everyone, so others can learn about how they are raised and how their food is produced. On the other hand, I am constantly plugged into a virtual world. I hope my sharing will bring positivity. However, I know not everyone will be pleased.

Yet, I know I am with my family farm right now for a reason. I developed a passion for writing and public speaking in high school on the FFA agricultural communications team. I graduated from Miami University with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and women’s studies and a Master of Science in family studies. One might ask why I am still on the family farm, so I created this blog to write my experiences. Just as my Great Aunt Dee share stories to me about homesteading through the Great Depression, I hope to share stories with others about family farming and my bond with our animals.

Today Lauren is also sharing one of her favorite #porktober recipes for Bacon Wrapped Dates with us on TheFieldPosition. Add some flair to your fall football tailgate or put a new twist on holiday appetizers with pork!

Contact Lauren Schwab

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Twitter – @farmgirlwcurls
Instagram – farmgirlwcurls
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Bacon-Wrapped Dates



  • 16-ounce package of bacon (not thick cut), cut into thirds
  • 8-ounce package of pitted dates



  1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
  2. Put the oven rack in the center of the oven.
  3. Cover a cookie sheet with tin foil.
  4. Wrap a piece of bacon around a date. Make sure the bacon seam is placed facing down on the cookie sheet. Press firmly on the wrapped date, so it is less likely to unravel.
  5. Repeat until all of the dates are wrapped in bacon.
  6. Bake for 20-25 minutes until crisp.
  7. Let cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Recipe Notes

recipe adapted from

Makes 25-30 bacon-wrapped dates.