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enlist_logoDow AgroSciences last Friday announced that Enlist soybeans will be stacked only with advanced glyphosate traits, which means the company will NOT allow stacking with the first generation of the Roundup Ready® trait.

“It’s been two years since we’ve offered any Latham® soybeans with first-generation Roundup Ready 1 because soybeans with the Roundup Ready 2 Yield technology, on average, perform 5 to 7 bushels better,” said John Latham, president, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds.

The market has continued to move toward advanced glyphosate traits since they were introduced because they outperform the original Roundup Ready trait. Technology with newer glyphosate traits, including Roundup Ready 2 Yield® and Enlist E3™ soybeans, show no yield drag or lag.

“Latham Seeds, as an independent and family-owned seed company, is committed to providing farmers with choice,” says Tom Lizer, general manager, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds. “We’re planning to bring options to market like Enlist, Xtend and Balance GT if they prove to contain the best genetics for our marketing areas and are good tools to help our customers fight weed resistance.”

Upper Midwest soybean growers can learn more about the Enlist herbicide system and get a look at the Enlist family of traits during Latham’s Seed-2-Soil® Field Day Friday, August 28, at our company headquarters in Alexander, Iowa.