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roots-in-boots-mastheadFive years ago when Josie Burgett was a freshman in high school, she didn’t know if pursing an ag career was the right fit. She had grown up on a farm but had gotten her fill of hard work and long hours. Sometimes our lives take a turn and we end up taking another path. That’s what happened to Josie when she accepted an internship with FarmHer, which promotes the image of women in agriculture and inspires women to pursue their passion.

josie-3“The FarmHer message has been a long time coming,” said Josie. “Women have always played an important role in agriculture, but they haven’t always been showcased. FarmHer gets people in agriculture excited. They hop onboard and want to be involved!”

Positive encouragement from her FFA Advisor prompted Josie to give FFA a chance. Little did she know that she would fall in love with the opportunity to communicate and promote agriculture. After holding two officer positions and participating in several FFA Career Development Events (CDEs), Josie knew she wanted to remain involved with agriculture.

Josie’s #RootsinBoots story began in Pleasantville, Iowa, where she grew up on a small hobby farm and enjoyed raising and showing pigs each summer. Her family is involved in the swine industry, which is where she found her interest in showing. She decided to attend Iowa State University to study Agricultural Business because she knew there were great opportunities within the agricultural industry and had heard good things about the program.

Upon graduation in May 2019, Josie hopes to obtain a position within the industry that allows her to utilize her interests in communications and actively advocate for the agricultural industry. She sees the importance of understanding the “big picture” and wants to be a recognized role model within the industry.

josie-1As a sophomore in college, Josie is in the midst of creating her story in agriculture. Josie took on many substantial roles in her summer internship with FarmHer, which demonstrates her drive and determination to accomplish tasks. She corresponded sponsorship for all four of the 2016-2017 national Grow events for young women in agriculture, traveled to various events such as the Iowa State Fair, and improved her design skills by running the website and social media channels. She loves to travel and speak with those interested in FarmHer, and she loves to see the support that comes from all communities.

“One of my favorite parts of advocating is when someone walks up and says, ‘oh my brother’s girlfriend, my sister-in-law, or my daughter would love this!’ FarmHer gets large amounts of support on all levels.”

Josie is passionate about sharing her love of agriculture with others, and she shares this advice with anyone else who was in her shoes five years ago: “Be confident. Be bold. Find people with your same interests and get involved in any way that you can.”

Josie’s future is bright, and we’re looking forward to the footprints she will make along the way!

Find more inspiring #RootsinBoots stories below:


Without strong women to help shape and manage our company, Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds would be a very different company than it is today. We understand the key roles women play in everything from purchasing seed to marketing grain, from public relations and event planning to sales and customer service. That’s why we’re celebrating women who are doing what they love. From now through November, we’re showcasing women in agriculture by telling their #RootsinBoots stories. Follow along and be inspired by FarmHers across Iowa!

We’re looking for women, ages 18 to 108, who have a passion for agriculture and are willing to share their farm stories. Simply post photos of yourself on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtags #RootsinBoots #LathamSeeds and #FarmHer. Let your personality and work ethic show. We want to see what a “day in the life” of you is like!

Because each woman in agriculture is unique, everyone who submits a photo of herself either working in the field or working with livestock will be entered to win a $500 shopping spree at Western Edge LTD. There’s no limit to the number of entries, so increase your chances by posting across platforms via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Go to or click here for more information.