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When most people hear the number 42, they think of Jackie Robinson and the fantastic baseball movie “42.” Jackie Robinson made history in 1947 by becoming the first African American Major League Baseball player. This movie tells the amazing story of his struggle to gain acceptance in the major leagues.

The same year Robinson was making the news, Willard Latham made news of his own right here in Franklin County Iowa when he founded a seed company on his farm. Also “42” is an amazing number for Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds as it is the total number of F.I.R.S.T. Seed Tests that our corn and soybean products won this fall. Our corn program produced 17 wins and 199 total Top 10 finishes; our soybean program produced 25 wins and 185 total Top 10 finishes.

The 42 overall 1st  place finishes in the 2016 F.I.R.S.T. trials validates Latham’s research program. It also is proof positive that accessing the best genetics and selecting products for specific geographies allows Latham to offer a deeper and broader corn and soybean line-up. View our corn and soybean F.I.R.S.T. trial results to see what products excelled in your area.

Xtend Your Yield
Our Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans also made their mark in the 2016 yield book. We entered Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Soybean varieties in F.I.RS.T. trials in maturities ranging from 0.7 to 3.0. We won seven top 3 finishes in F.I.R.S.T. Trials and 28 Top 10 finishes! Look up area specific soybean data for your area here.

Winning trials is fun, but we want to help you win on your farm. Contact your Latham representative for more information. He or she is here to help you choose the right seed for your farm, field by field.
