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llevo-comparisonMany farmers in 2016 experienced yield loss from Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN). In fact, we saw SDS in areas where it’s never before been a problem! This situation left many farmers asking what can be done to protect yield in the future.

Using new tools like lLeVO Seed Treatment, which received regulatory approval last winter, can help protect yield and add revenue for Upper Midwest soybean growers. ILeVO showed very good efficacy against SDS and also helps protect against SCN.

Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds in 2016 sent 34 ILeVO trials to our dealers and their customers. Each trial consisted of a Latham® soybean product treated with SoyShield PLUS™ planted side-by-side with that same soybean treated with SoyShield PLUS and lLeVO. Yield data was received from 26 of the 34 trials and those results are in the table included below.

Not every plot experienced a high degree of SDS severity, but many of these plots still showed a yield bump from using ILeVO. Plots where SDS was fairly severe showed the most yield benefit, ranging from 8 to 18 bushels per acre (bu/A).  Figuring soybeans at a market price of $9/ bushel, even at the 3.64 bu/A average yield benefit, that’s still more than $32 of gross revenue from using ILeVO. Our studies show the cost of this seed treatment easily paid for itself in 2016.

We can’t predict the weather in 2017, however, using tools like ILeVO and other seed treatments helps protect your crops and yield. If you have questions about the results shown below or about ILeVO seed treatment, please call me at 1.877.GO.LATHAM (1.877.465.2842).
