Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Does anyone know what this is? I haven’t seen one of these for over 2 months! We finally got ¾” rain overnight without a lot of hail and this was the only puddle.


Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

Scattered rain fell again in Northeast South Dakota, leaving from a trace to 2 inches. It wasn’t widespread but some was in areas that needed it. Corn is beginning to tassel and soybeans are gaining height and flowers

Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Latham® Dealers Matt and Taylor Sinkie took a balloon ride over their South Dakota farm this past week.

Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

This is Latham’s SuperStrip plot in Morris, Minnesota. What a great looking plot by a new dealer here.


Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt

Unsatisfied with you weed control in soybeans? Well maybe it’s time to try a different trait! Contact me to find out more details on our Roundup Ready 2, Roundup Ready Xtend and Liberty lineup!


Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

Today was a good day to take crop report pictures!

The Latham Corn SuperStrip in Ripon, Wisconsin, is nearing the VT stage. Latham’s new 99-day SmartStax LH 4919 SS is showing off its excellent roots and stalks in this plot.

Meanwhile, across town in Ripon, the L 2482 R2 Soybeans are flowering and look excellent.  Timely rains in this area, while missing most of the heavy rains, have the area farmers hoping for another bin-busting crop in 2017.

Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

Maximum corn water usage occurs during tasseling, and we could use some rain in Northwest Iowa. Growers will be starting to think about fungicide application. I have heard a 20 bushel advantage the last couple of growing seasons!


South Central Minnesota & North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

This field of LH 5505 VT2 PRO in Mitchell County Iowa, and many other local fields, are starting to tassel. Corn fields have really taken off the past 7-10 days. A few fields are being sprayed with fungicide. Soybean fields are starting to fill there rows.

We actually could use a little moisture since we’ve been getting these hot and humid days.

West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Yesterday I put up field signs with Latham® dealer EJ Wolter from West Bend, Iowa. His plot looks very nice.


Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

One advantage of working with Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds is access to seed options. You can see in this one plot that our dealer is showcasing Latham®  soybean with these traits and technologies: Balance GT, Roundup Ready 2 and Roundup Ready Xtend. We also have seed treatment options including SoyShield, SoyShield Plus, SoyShield Plus + Ilevo treated soybeans and Nemastrike.

Western Iowa & Eastern Nebraska

Larry Krapfl

Fields of Latham 5405 and 5509 are looking pretty good by Castana, Iowa.
