Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Despite the many growing challenges we’ve had this season, Latham® Dealer Wayne Niemi’s SuperStrip plot on corner of Highway 9 and County Road 26 near Felton, Minnesota, looks great!


Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

This field of Latham LH 5885 VT2 PRO RIB withstood recorded winds of 103 miles per hour on June 28 in Livingston, Wisconsin! This field is currently at R1 and has plenty of moisture for successful pollination.

R1 stage corn is fully tasseled and beginning to green silk. The largest yield reductions occur at this time when it is under stress.  Applying a fungicide at R1 improves disease control and protects the plant through harvest, meaning now is the optimum time for application.

South Central Minnesota & North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

Weather challenges continue. This spring farmers in this area had a hard time finding a window of dry weather to get seed in the ground, and now they can’t buy a rain to make the crop grow. These photos show a drought-stressed field of corn near Emmetsburg.

Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Picture from the regional plot location in South English. Go to to learn more about regional plots this year!

Jerry 1

Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

Pollination was good in Central Iowa despite the lack of rain most areas experienced. There is still potential for good yields as long as we don’t start seeing tip back.

The ear in this photo is 36 kernels around and 18 kernels long.

Areas in the fields with sand knobs are showing most stress in the bean fields.

Western Iowa & Eastern Nebraska

Larry Krapfl

It’s that time of year for fungicide applications! My wife shot this video from our deck, so you might say we had a front row seat to the action.

Due to weather events earlier this season that made some fields of corn more susceptible to disease, fungicides are being applied. Even without hail, some hybrids just perform better with fungicide. That’s why you’ll see fungicide recommendations for some products in Latham’s seed guide.

Western Iowa Crop Report Video

West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Thanks to this father-son Latham® dealer team for helping me sign this test plot near Rembrandt, Iowa. Mike and Chuck Specketer planted hybrids, ranging from 107 to 111 days, in this SuperStrip plot on May 6. We also put up 12 other signs in Buena Vista County. It was a very hot job to say the least, so I really appreciate their dedication.

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Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt

This Latham SuperStrip corn plot in Vernon Center, Minnesota, features hybrids in maturities from 94 day to 105. Everything has tasseled and looks great. I can’t wait to get into this one in the fall!

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Northeast Iowa & Southeast Minnesota

Craig Haaland

Pictured below is Latham’s popular L2084R2 is treated with SoyShield® Plus and the other half is treated with SoyShield® Plus with ILeVo.

A few planes and helicopters have been spraying fungicide this week. We’ve had plenty of rain in the last week, totaling about 4 inches with some damage being done by 60-70 MPH winds.

Keep scouting your fields to stay on top of issues and to try and keep every possible dollar in your pocket.

Latham 5062 versus a competitors grain corn. We will be testing to see how a true leafy silage corn does at tons per acre versus a standard grain corn. This field like most of my region is under considerable drought stress. The grain corn is tasseling, and the leafy silage has a lot of growth still to come. We will be putting the natural drought stress of our leafy lineup to the test this year!

Brian M

Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

Storms rolled through Northeast South Dakota last Friday night and again on Tuesday. Although the rain was welcome, there was damage to crops both times. Some green snap and gooseneck was observed in corn due to 60- to 80-mph winds. Hail also fell in some areas. Much of the corn is now pollinating and normal temps are forecast for this week.

LH 4454 VT2 PRO RIB at Big Stone City, SD is pollinating and looks tremendous. Precipitation has been perfect in this location.

James k

Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Pollination is very uneven this year due to many early season challenges. Excessively warm nights during silking and/or lack of pollen when the tip silks emerged could lead to poor kernel set symptoms. Combine settings will be important this fall.