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Northeast Iowa & Southeast Minnesota

Craig Haaland

Craig H

Harvest has been at a stand still since last Thursday in northern Iowa and southern Minnesota due to rain falls totaling 4 to 5 inches.

This field of LH 5099 SS looks fantastic! Many farmers are pleasantly surprised  with some of the bean yields so far.

With the fields too wet to work, it’s a good time to order seed for 2018. Take advantage of Latham’s early order and early pay through Oct. 15. Talk to your local dealer or the RSM for more details!

Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

Darin C

Climate FieldView gives us a good look at our past and future. The weather doesn’t look promising for harvest! By this time last year, most farmer’s were finishing soybean harvest.

Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair


This plot harvested in Cambridge, WI., averaged 65.9 bu/A even though it was planted June 1.  Stay safe and happy harvesting!

Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Ken H

What a way to start off the week! This picture was taken this Monday morning in Norman County, Minnesota. A few more drying days are needed before harvest will resume.

Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe


Jackson Seed Sales in Oskaloosa, Iowa, took out a Latham corn and soybean SuperStrip plot on October 9. Latham’s 6175 won the plot at 245 bu/A and Latham’s 3184 Roundup Ready Xtend soybeans won at 71 bushel.

Oskaloosa was extremely dry most of the growing season, however, the Latham corn and soybean performed well under stress.

Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Soybean harvest is continuing quite nicely!

Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Gary 1

Gary 2

Another huge pile of feed! Latham® dealer Kyle Geske took these pictures of a customer chopping a Latham experimental conventional silage hybrid. More than 25 tons per acre makes for a big pile and trucks lined up to dump!

Eastern North Dakota

Brian McNamee

Brian 2Brian 1Soybean harvest rolling right along in North Dakota. I would guess a bit over 60% of total soybean acres are off across the state. Harvest conditions have been excellent once we got rolling. Many customers are even finished and looking at moving to corn. A few in fact are finding fields to cut and dryer than expected.

Riding with a customer near Berlin, ND, as he makes his last pass of soybeans for the year.

Latham 3397 VT2 PRO in the Rugby, ND, area looks like we might have another year with above-average kernel weights/density. If true to form, yields may be exciting to see!

Southern Minnesota

Brandon Wendlandt


Harvest is still stalled here in southern Minnesota, but many farmers hope to get back in fields tomorrow.

If you’re unable to get into the fields, now is a great time to sit down with your seed dealer and plan for next year. Use Latham’s trademark FieldxField crop planning tool to maximize your profits. Contact your representative today for the best products and pricing!

Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

Night time lows dipped to 25 degrees early Tuesday morning, bringing a killing frost to Northeast South Dakota.

James 1

Latham’s first soybean SuperStrip in NE SD was taken out Tuesday.

James 2

The weather has finally turned around here! Fields are drying out, and some farmers are back in motion with harvest. Soybean yields are running in the 50s and 60s around Watertown.

A hard freeze Monday night into Tuesday morning will make some soybeans easier to combine.Initial reports on corn indicate high test weights, pushing 60 pounds, where moisture was adequate!

West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

5095 VT2 PRO, which was planted April 11 by Rolfe in West Central Iowa, is running 16.5% moisture with 60.5 test weight. Yields across the field have been good with a high of 272 bu/A and a low of 210 bu/A.

 West Central Iowa

Larry Krapfl

Larry 2 Larry


We’ve had 10 days of wet weather, including freezing rain, so no combines are moving. Harvest is at a stand still.

Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin


Harvest kicked into full gear during the weekend  in some areas. Along the I-29 corridor, however, farmers report soybeans are still at 15 to 16% moisture with even wetter ground. Farmers in those areas are hoping to get in by this weekend.

Monday night we had a good killing frost across the majority of southeast South Dakota. We should be able to reap the benefits of the that in the coming days.

Yield reports are slow to come in for my territory as much of it is too wet yet. Be sure to follow Latham Seeds on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where yield results are being constantly shared. You can also view plot results in your area at Results are being entered daily!

North Central Iowa & South Central Minnesota

Cory Greiman

Here is live feed from a yield monitor in a field near Garner, IA. This field of LH 5215 harvested on October 10.