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The investment in precision technology is typically the biggest barrier for farmers interested in using data to elevate their operations to the next level. That’s why I’m excited about the Climate FieldView “Map Anything” feature that eliminates some of the extremely large equipment investments, such as a new planter, that had been necessary.

Let me explain… Many farmers split-plant their fields. They may wish to compare two hybrids or soybean varieties side by side, study two different seed treatments or compare in-furrow products. To make such comparisons, farmers need a planting map that provides a layer of information to connect a product to a particular spot in the field. A planting map gets electronically placed over that field’s yield data at the end of the season to compare how each seed product performed. The same goes for different fertilizer treatments if a farmer is trying to figure out the best nitrogen rate without sacrificing corn yield. Any research on your farm must be mapped in the spring to help you evaluate it with yield data in the fall.

Last year Climate introduced the “Map Anything” feature that allows you to hook the FieldView Drive on an iPad to any compatible monitor and receiver combination to map the operation. For example, if you have a John Deere 2600 display and Starfire 3000 globe on top of your tractor (or a CNH Pro 700 and 262 globe), you could map your planting operation even if its an older planter with no electronics on it. You can set a static planting rate and map your planting operation on the go. This allows you to set up different hybrids and varieties in each field; they will be mapped so you can see your yield analysis based on what you planted. The best part is this same feature can be used with a fertilizer applicator or sprayer that doesn’t have the ability to map. Once again, you can track each test and then evaluate results at the end of the season.

Keeping track of your data and getting it all organized in one spot is the key for making even better farming decisions. If you already have a GPS and monitor in the cab for steering, then I highly recommend you look into this Climate feature. “Map Anything” can help you analyze your management practices to become even more efficient this season.

Click here for a Map Anything Setup Guide.