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Eastern North Dakota

Brain McNamee

Almost every farm I drive has equipment parked. Farmers are itching to get going. Over the weekend, rain and snow fell across the region. The moisture was appreciated but came with cold temperatures. Mid-April temps in the 70s and 80s were quite the teasers! Soil temps are below 40 degrees again and below-normal highs are in the forecast. Periodic rains are also in the forecast, so hopefully that changes for the better. We have been moving seed in preparation of these weather possibilities, so please call your Latham® dealer.

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Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Cool, wet soils are creating challenges for farmers to get in the fields, but this weather isn’t preventing early season broadleaves and grasses from emerging on lighter soils. If you use a conventional tillage system, the field cultivator does a pretty good job of removing these weeds before planting. However, if you use minimum till or no till, you must use a burndown herbicide or a combination of burndown and pre-emergence application to prevent early competition or worse weeds that become too big for herbicides to work properly.

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Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Sunshine and dry weather last week got farmers itching to get in the field. I saw some tillage equipment in fields last Thursday and Friday. A few fields of small grain got planted, however, the rain that fell over the weekend and during the first part of this week has slowed progress once again. Hopefully, drier weather is on it way so we can all go farming soon.

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Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

Field work is very slow in my region because of cool, wet soil conditions. Most farmers have everything in place, so they’re ready to roll when Mother Nature cooperates. I stopped to see Todd Toppen and found his dog, Patton who was named after the general, guarding the seed.


Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

With the snow and rain that fell across many parts of southern Minnesota last weekend, planting is still at a halt. We hope and pray warmer and drier days.

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Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

Field work is finally under way in Northern Wisconsin. Fertilizer was spread recently in a field where a Latham® SuperStrip plot will be planted. Several corn plots will be planted during the next few weeks, so be sure to check out some local plots this year!

Alfalfa has been hit hard with winter kill as is evident in this field along Hwy 29 in Clark County.  Many producers will need to adjust their crop plans for these damaged fields.  For more information on alfalfa and winter kill, check out this link:

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Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

Conditions were nearly perfect for planting in southern Wisconsin last week. Then rain and snow moved in Saturday. Seven to eight inches of snow fell in some areas, but it didn’t stick around long.

Wet conditions are giving farmers extra time to check their planters. One farmer was checking and adjusting the seed depth on his machine on Monday when I stopped by his shop. Everyone wants to make sure the machinery and equipment is in working condition we finally get back into the fields.

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North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

Fields are too wet for field work in North Iowa, but you can see interesting things – like a rogue pig in the middle of a field – while driving down country roads on a rainy spring day.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

This field in Mitchell County, Iowa, is ready for planting once the weather cooperates. A few fields got planted last weekend before rain and then snow moved in Saturday. More rain is in the forecast, so all we can do is be patient and be ready to roll once the conditions are fit. It’s May 1, so there’s still time to make a great crop.

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Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

I really enjoy helping customers make sure their planters are field ready by running health checks and making sure that seeding prescriptions are successfully loaded through our cloud-based system. This is all part of our advisory service offered by Latham Hi‑Tech Seed’s Data ForwardTM precision ag services.

Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Planting corn by Center Point last Thursday.

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The 3.9 inches of rain that from Saturday through Tuesday brought field work to a standstill.

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Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

Latham 455TQ alfalfa is growing strong. It already measures 9 inches. I can’t wait for first cutting smell!


West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Sunrise with fog on Tuesday morning near the river in Fort Dodge, Iowa, made a beautiful picture.

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Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

The end of planting corn is in sight. Several Central Iowa farmers finished corn last Thursday and Friday. A few farmers went straight from planting corn to soybeans, but the majority switched the planter over but are waiting for the cool rain to pass. Temperatures dropped Saturday as rain moved into the area. Some areas had received 1.25 inches as of Monday. Wet soils will keep farmers out of the field most of this week. Stay safe on the county roads because they’re a mess!

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