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Eastern North Dakota

Brain McNamee

Many farmers had planned to start planting after the weekend, but all it took was one farmer to roll. Then another one. And another. All of the sudden, it’s time to go! Farmers here are rolling on corn. Remember, it’s important to look at the short-term forecast before planting. Next week calls for daytime highs in the 60’s and 70’s with lows in the 40’s with minimal moisture. Soils look to be warmer, which helps with germination and faster emergence.

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Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Although soil temps are still below 50 degrees, farmers are considering planting soybeans. Seed treatments, like Latham SoyShield™ Plus, have fungicides to protect the seed from germination through early growth stages plus insecticide with additional growth promoters to help protect and enhance early growth. Check with your Latham® dealer or RSM to see if the varieties you’re looking for are still available.

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Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Things haven’t changed much this past week in Southeast South Dakota. We got a few dry days of weather, which allowed some small grains to get planted. This sky has been full of spray planes. We’re still fighting moisture every few days. Rain fell across the whole state at the beginning of this week. Soaking rain and even snow is in the forecast for Wednesday.

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Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

This picture was taken near Foxholm, Minnesota. Despite planting delays, wheat, sugar beets and some corn seed is in the ground. Keep in mind, field conditions should be the main consideration. To get good plant stands, you must plant into good soil conditions. The worst thing we can do is plant in wet soils! Working soils that are too wet can have these negative impacts on your crop all growing season: stunted plant growth, slowed infiltration of water, poor root system development, and nutrient deficiency.

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Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

With favorable drying weather last weekend across southern Minnesota, many farmers put corn in the ground on Monday and Tuesday. Three of my Latham® corn plots were planted Tuesday near Mountain Lake, Hanska, and Vernon Center. Farmers in the north are still trying to find dry fields to plant; tile is sure paying off this spring. More wet weather looks like it’s headed our way for the next couple of days, so we are praying we don’t get too much.

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Justin Prokosch 1 Plot season has begun!

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Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

Planting season is off to a slow start across Northern Wisconsin due to frequent rains, and more rain is in the forecast. The poor planting weather is giving local dealers time to breath and reorganize inventory.

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Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

This new seeding of HarvXtra is emerging in Cambridge, Wisconsin.  Conditions were perfect April 22 when this field was planted. Our first Latham® Corn SuperStrip in the ground near Monroe on May 5.  Conditions were perfect when we planted this no-till field, and we were able to finish a few hours before the next rain fell. Scattered showers are forecast for this week, but the forecast improves on Friday with six days of sunshine IN A ROW!

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North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

Temperatures are rising! The soil temperature at 4-inch depth within the seed furrow of a SuperStrip corn plot near Garner on Tuesday read 62 degrees at 6:30 PM.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

This field in Cerro Gordo County is being planted to LH 5099 SS. Planting depth is 2 inches, and good seed-to-soil contact is critical. Many farmers planted last weekend through Monday. Area farmers backed off from planting yesterday with rain and cooler temps in the short-term forecast.

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Pitzenberger Farms crew sorting seed for planting.

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Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

The weather finally allowed us to get our first Latham SuperStrip corn plot of the season planted in Alta, Iowa. The forcast shows a chance of an inch of rain with cool temperatures for the next couple of days. Bring on that sunshine and heat units!

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Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Anywhere from .5 to 4.5 inches of rain fell last week in Eastern Iowa. As a result, there was various field work underway. I saw everything from tillage work to parked planters. Farmers in the western part of my territory got going again late Saturday while those south of Dubuque have yet to start.

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Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

We attempted to plant a corn plot but got rained out before we even started. The rain didn’t stop this curious visitor from checking out the Latham bags.

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West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

This engaged couple is working together to plant their first Latham® SuperStrip plot near Hardy, Iowa, on May 3. Here they’re shop vacuuming plot seed before we plant the next hybrid.

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Jon and Jenna running shop vacs before the next hybrid is planted in this Latham® SuperStrip plot.

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Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

Planting resumed Saturday, May 5, across Central Iowa. More showers fell Monday. Cooler weather with heavy rain is expected Wednesday, which is keeping a majority of farmers from planting. This photos shows Latham 5965 that was planted April 20 in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Then other two photos show LH 6187 corn plot planted April 25.

Be sure to watch for un-even stand and for corn that’s growing downward as heat units are significantly lower than were needed when some farmers planted. Exercise patience and wait for soils to dry before re-entering fields.

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