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Eastern North Dakota

Brain McNamee

Just like last spring, farmers in the North Central and Northwest part of my territory have missed the rains. Planting has progressed there for more than 20 days. Last night I drove about 200 miles from home, north to south, and saw maybe half a dozen tractors total in the fields. Of that equipment, it appeared an even split between planters, tillage and rollers. Corn continues to be planted as we push closer to the insurance deadline. All last-minute and final acre decisions are leaning toward corn.

Brian M

Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

With more rain in the forecast, farmers are putting in longer hours to plant what they can now. Take time during this next rain delay to scout previously planted fields for weeds, germination and early crop growth. If you’re planning to use a pre-emergence herbicide, most must be applied before the crop emerges to avoid injuring the growing crop.

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Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

It’s been another wet week in Northeast South Dakota! Farmers pushed hard in areas the last half of last week. I’m hearing everything from 0% to 100% done with planting corn. Most farmers are somewhere in the 20 to 40% completed range. Nearly three inches of rain have fallen since last week, so some farmers are thinking about planting earlier hybrids. We’re praying for a break in this rainy weather pattern.

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Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Last week we had four days of dry weather, so planters got in the field. I’ve heard reports from farmers, ranging from 100% to 0% planted on corn. It was a relief that fields were dry enough to plant last week, but it was unfortunate the next rain system wasn’t far behind. Rain fell Friday night across most of eastern and western South Dakota and continued into Saturday and Sunday. The next system flared up Tuesday and has continued into today. We’re hopeful that good drying weather in the days to come as warmer temperatures are suppose to be on the way.

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Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

This past week brought favorable conditions for field work with soil temperatures above 50-degree mark. Latham® Dealer Riverton Seed planted L 0982 RR2, which was the Red River’s F.I.R.S.T. Trials winner. Many farmers were busy finishing tillage while some started planting. A few areas experienced large amount of rain and some even received snow last weekend. The good news is we’re still within the time period for great yields, so there’s no need to think about switching maturities yet!

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Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

Last week was a strong week for many farmers in southern Minnesota. Many farmers finished planting corn, and some got started on soybeans. With rain coming in last Friday, I convinced my wife to help put in my last Latham SuperStrip™ on our home farm. We pulled out all the stops to get it planted right before it started raining!

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Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

This last week we gained some ground! Tractors were running steady because farmers knew rain would soon hit us. Northern Wisconsin planting progress ranges from zero acres planted to almost done. A few more Latham plots went in the ground.

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Southern Wisconsin

Greg Mair

Seed that has been in the ground for three or more weeks is finally emerging. These acres are a little pale green, but the stands look fairly uniform given what they have been through.  More rain in the forecast this week, but farmers remain hopeful for good conditions to finish planting this spring.

Greg M

North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

Latham 2193 E3 beans were planted near Garner on May 7. This picture was taken on May 16. We could use a little sunshine and warmth.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

This no-till customer in Mitchell County, Iowa, was able to plant soybeans last Thursday. Quite a few farmers got seed in the ground last Monday through Thursday. Spotty rains fell Friday and Saturday, with rainfall totals ranging from 1.5 to 5 inches. Most area farmers finished planting corn last week and got a decent start on soybeans. Temperatures have been up and down these past few weeks, so some seed is struggling to emerge. We need warm and dry weather, so we can finish the 2019 planting season.

Craig H

Northwest Iowa

Darin Chapman

These photos show Latham LH 5245 VT2 PRO planted May 5 at 36,000 population. We’ve only had a few days of sunshine to get this crop started, so I’m happy to see good emergence and the start of a nice stand.


Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

We managed to string together four days of dry weather to get some much needed planting done. Some fields were not “ideal” for planting as you can see the soil packed on the press wheels and travel wheels of this planter. #Plant19 continues to be an adventure.

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Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

You can row this field of Latham L 3187 L that was planted April 18 in western Iowa.

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This 20-year old CRP ground was planted to LH 5819 SS on April 18 near Climbing Hill, IA.

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West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Last week I dumped 1.3 inches from my Latham rain gauge in Dakota City, Iowa. It’s been challenging to put seed in the ground when it seems to rain each time the fields are almost dry enough to enter. I’m guessing 99% of the corn is planted and 60% of soybeans are planted in West Central Iowa. My North Central territory is a little behind that with about 70% of the corn acres planted and 25% of the soybeans planted.

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Central Iowa

Bryan Rohe

Rain continues to fall across Central Iowa, and the 5-day forecast calls for more. The central region is 95% done with planting corn and 60% done with soybeans, so we’re pretty fortunate. Once it stops raining and dries up, planting will finish in a hurry.

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