Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Northwest North Dakota

Brian McNamee

Another jungle of LH 5062 GT/LFY. This field is irrigated and highly populated for this number. Ear development is coming along nicely. Silage chopping is just right around the corner, and I can’t wait. It’s going to be one heck of a year.

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Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Checking on a field of LH 3397 VT2 PRO RIB with my little crop scout Carson. Even with the cool and late spring, the early vigor of this hybrid is helping this field reach maturity.

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Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

As we near the end of August, growing degree units (GDUs) and the first frost are on many of our minds. Spring and summer came a bit late this year. We are very much in need of fall and winter coming late, as well. Corn silage is still 3 to 4 weeks out, and soybean pod fill is about the same. Warmer temperatures is needed to finish out our crops. While the current forecast is cooling off a bit, the extended forecast calls for temps in the upper 70s. The great news is state climatologists are not expecting an early frost!

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Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

It’s hard to believe that summer is winding down, and kids are heading back into the classroom. Harvest is underway in my region, so farmers should look at prioritizing fields for harvest. There are a few steps farmers can take now to help the ease the pressure of harvest season. Walk your fields to note maturity and potential problem areas like stalk rot or lodging. Fields under stress from either too much water this spring or lack of rain will likely warrant special harvest. Roots can be more of an issue than stalks in a wet spring like most of us experienced this year. Saturated soils limit growth of the root hairs and brace roots, making the total mass much smaller. This can put a lot of stress on the plant later in harvest time. The plant may not have the ability to take up enough nutrients, or plants may lodge if there is a late-season wind or rain event. Taking field notes now will help you prioritize field for harvest!

Pictured is Gary Geske, Latham’s Northern Product Specialist, and Latham® Dealer Craig Nice standing by a field of LH 3117 VT2 PRO RIB near Ardock, ND.

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Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

As the old saying goes, August makes the soybean crop. I found multiple 4-bean pods in our new L 1595 E3. Now we just need some heat to fill out these beans in the pod.

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Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

Corn silage will be coming off the fields real soon. The next week or two should put the corn crop in optimal condition for silage harvest. Soybeans are in the pod-filling stage between R5 and R6.  As pictured here, several pods were showing 4 seeds per pod from a new Latham® brand L 1793 LLGT27.  This IRONCLAD product has an excellent emergence score, and this year’s crop has proven that! To learn more about our new products, join us Sept. 6 for our annual field day at Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds.Joe 2 Joe 1

North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman 

Latham’s LH 4517 planted May 12 near Northwood, Iowa, is looking good.


Northwest Iowa

Jeremy Joynt

Recent cooler conditions have slowed crop development in Nothwest Iowa. A little over 50% of the areas are showing corn reaching the dough stage. As you’re checking the stage of your corn, watch for pests that can still be detrimental to the development of your crop.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

Here’s a new LH 5077 VT2 PRO hybrid in a corn plot in Bremer County, Iowa. This new hybrid is something you will want to add to your portfolio when placing an order. Spraying is finally complete. Moisture is needed in a lot of areas to finish these crop. Soybean fields are short overall. Timely rains will help finish the top of the plant to get better yields.

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Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Plot nights have begun in Eastern Iowa. Great crowd and super customers! Don’t miss our annual Alexander Field day on September 6. See all the new products and choices for trait that fits YOUR fields.

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Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

Prevent plant acres on this farm near Naper, Nebraska, are looking great! One bag of Latham’s alfalfa by 1 bag of oats per acres is making awesome hay.

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West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

Four Liberty soybean products stood out in Latham® SuperStrip Plot near Steamboat Rock, Iowa. We showed these at a plot night last Monday.

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Central Iowa

Aaron Steenhoek

Crop progress is coming along nicely with the rains that fell throughout the territory. Pockets of SDS are beginning to show up, so keep an eye on fields. Remember to check ratings when making next year’s picks! Only Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds offers IRONCLAD soybeans.

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