Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Northwest North Dakota

Brian McNamee

This wet cycle continues across North Dakota. Wheat, canola and flax are still standing in certain parts of the state. Because of harvest loss and quality concerns, I’m hearing reports that what remains in the field of these crops is at abandonment level.

More roads are becoming impassable due to overland flooding. The ditches are full, so drainage has come to a halt. Next week’s weather looks better, so that will lift all our spirits.

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Southeast North Dakota

Gary Geske

Just as farmers are struggling with the weather to harvest their crops, members of Latham’s product team are walking research plots in less than ideal conditions. At this location near DeForest, Wisconsin, I was checking disease scores on earlier hybrids. Latham’s 3325 VT2 PRO RIB looks like a Rockstar!

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Northeast South Dakota

James Keltgen

This past week provided some opportunities for harvest! A few soybean fields were harvested, ranging from 30 to 55 bushels an acre. There was some patchy frost throughout Northeast South Dakota (NESD) with temps getting down in the low 30s in areas. Corn silage harvest also began this past week. It looks to be a long, slow harvest. The soil profile is full, making travel across fields very hard!

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Frost nipped soybeans near Grenville, SD.

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LH 4242 VT2 PRO planted May 14th has reached black layer.

Southeast South Dakota

Ramie Coughlin

Silage season is in full swing in South Dakota. We are going about it a little differently, using tractors to pull wagons/trucks through the fields, but we are getting it harvested. When deciding whether or not to plant this spring, many growers asked, “Can I chop it for silage? Will it make feed?” If you are planting a Latham® Leafy Hybrid, the answer is YES! The shortest plant in this field stood 10 feet high, and the taller plants grew to more than 12 feet. This dairyman started planting Latham’s silage corn two years ago and fell in love with it. It’s his daughter, Katie’s, first year running the chopper. Her standards for good silage corn have now been set high right out of the gate!

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Northern Minnesota

Ken Highness

This field of LH 4437 VT2 PRO RIB, one of Latham’s exciting new hybrids with outstanding yield potential, is ready to harvest. This field was sprayed with a foliar fungicide and is to a week to 10 days earlier than the field of Latham LH 4454 that is across the road. Farmers who applied fungicide this season are really seeing a difference.

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Southern Minnesota

Justin Prokosch

A nice group of Latham® dealers from around southern Minnesota gathered to talk about product characteristics near Sleepy Eye.

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My boys and I have enjoyed these cooler fall evenings to check crops!

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Northern Wisconsin 

Joe Salter

Latham® Dealer Blake Pozarski holds LH 4542 GT/LFY. This hybrid grows extremely tall and delivers very high tonnage with 12 leaves above the ear.  Also pictured are two conventional hybrids from a Latham SuperStrip. Both LH 4750 CNV and LH 5020 CNV produced very girthy ears.

Harvest 2019 is off to a very slow start.  Silage harvest continues across the region, and it looks like many soybeans would be going strong if rain hadn’t hit.  Unfortunately, our forecast for the next week doesn’t look promising. Joe 1

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North Central Iowa

Cory Greiman

More than two inches of rain has fallen so far this week, and more rain is in the forecast for later in the week. Wet soils will keep farmers out of the fields until next week.

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Northeast Iowa

Craig Haaland

Here’s another great pic of our reliable LH 5215 VT2 PRO RIB in Mitchell County, Iowa. This hybrid is consistently a high yielder. This past week a few farmers started combining soybeans. Latham’s 1858 R2 yielded 56 bushels per acre at 12-12.5% across 155 acres in Mitchell County. With all the rain this week, it will take a while for these fields to dry. It doesn’t help that temperatures will be cool over the next few days.

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Eastern Iowa

Jeremy Joynt 

This field of LH 5635 VT2 PRO RIB that was planted at 34,500 population is sure looking good. The late-season plant health in this hybrid is terrific!

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Eastern Iowa

Jerry Broders

Four inches of rain has fallen in Eastern Iowa since Friday of last week. Soft ground conditions has halted the beginning of harvest. On a positive note, the rain knocked a lot of the remaining leaves off of early maturity soybeans. When the ground firms back up, we will be hitting soybean harvest pretty hard.

I can bring the weigh wagon out to assist anyone who wants assistance calibrating yield monitors.

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Western Iowa

Larry Krapfl

Farmers in western Iowa are at a standstill due to recent rains. The forecast isn’t looking favorable for harvest to resume anytime soon.

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West North Central Iowa

Bart Peterson

We haven’t seen many soybeans combined, but so far yields look good. Latham’s 1948 R2X went 60.2 bushels per acre near Dows, Iowa.

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Central Iowa

Aaron Steenhoek

Harvest has begun in southern Iowa. Standability will be a big question this fall due to all of our weather events. Pictured here is Latham’s 6175 VT2 PRO RIB, which is standing like a tree after weathering the storms this year. Latham has quality genetics, quality people, and quality stands for consistent performance on your farm. Now is a great time to place your seed order for 2020!

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