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How often do you make the same mistake?

Repeat mistakes happen when we don’t record exactly where we saw an issue in a particular field. Every year has its curveballs, and 2021 is no different. Planting progressed quickly, but then we experienced cold soils followed by really hot temps. Some areas also received a late frost and hail. Now, most of Latham Country is experiencing extremely dry conditions.

One of the best ways I’ve found to track environmental conditions and a crop’s response to it is Latham’s Data Forward™ app. I use this app to take specific field notes as I’m walking fields. This year IDC and other deficiencies made a big appearance once we received some rain and the soybeans started growing. You can use the Data Forward app to outline these areas. You can even create a management zone, using your phone, to make a map for spreading fertilizer or applying a product with your planter only in those areas.

Data Forward also can be used to drop a pin in tough areas, so you can take tissue samples to the lab. When the lab results come back, they will show up in the Data Forward app. How cool is that? You will never lose results this way. All of the details help you can really dial in your management. The first management step for IDC is selecting a top IDC-rated, Ironclad™ soybean variety. Only the toughest Latham® soybeans earn this designation. If IDC is a recurring problem, you could invest in a planter set up to apply a chelated iron product close to the roots. Another option is to invest in tile to help drain those lower areas with high pH or salt issues.

One unique tool on the premium version of our Data Forward app is satellite imagery. While sipping your morning coffee, you can discover problem areas in a field. Imagery is like that torque wrench in your toolbox… If you know how to use it, it can save you from breaking a lot of bolts. If you don’t, it’s just another ratchet in the toolbox.

By tracking what happens and where,  we can make these changes to address agronomic challenges. Talk to your Latham dealer, Regional Sales Manager (RSM) or give me a call to learn more about how Data Forward can help you move your farm’s data forward with confidence!