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Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds is going gold to fight childhood cancer!

On Sunday, Oct. 10, we will be wearing gold and cheering on Latham Dealer Kyle Schminke and his daughter Sarah as they run the 43rd annual Chicago Marathon. The Shellsburg, Iowa, natives are going the distance to raise awareness of childhood cancer and funds for the University of Iowa Dance Marathon (UIDM), which benefits the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital.

We hope you’ll #GoGold with us by wearing gold, cheering on the Schminkes and honoring children who are fighting childhood cancer.

26 Names for 26 Miles

The Schminkes will be running with a list of 26 names on their arms. These are the names of children who are battling cancer. Their names are “mile motivators” reminding Kyle and Sarah of the importance of the run and providing the motivation to keep running and finish strong.

“I’m not running for me. This is for those kids,” Sarah says. “I don’t care how much pain I’m in. I’m running for the kids who can’t.”

Learn more about how the Schminke family is going the distance.

Jewel Strong

One of the Schminkes’ “mile motivators” is Jewel Hofman.

Jewel is an 11-year-old from northwest Iowa who has battled cancer for the past 2.5 years, including nearly nine months of cancer treatment and hospitalization at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. In addition to going through cancer treatments, her leg was amputated in July 2020. She has since worked with a physical therapist to gain strength and learn to walk with her prosthetic leg.



Jewel was determined to show her steer, Guapo, at the county fair this summer. She and her brother spent months caring for Guapo and teaching him to lead in the show ring. The hard work paid off and she won grand champion bucket calf at the 2021 O’Brien County Fair.

Although she is back in school and her hair is growing back, Jewel’s journey with cancer will continue for the rest of her life. Families of childhood cancer patients will tell you they learn to appreciate the mountains because you never know when you’ll experience another valley. Every three months the Hofmans travel to Iowa City for scans and tests to ensure Jewel has no active cancer. Rather than be filled with the fear of the unknown, they choose to live life filled with hope and joy.

Learn more about Jewel’s journey with childhood cancer.

Fighting Childhood Cancer

About 700 kids are diagnosed with cancer each day. It is the No. 1 cause of death by disease for children under 19 years old, yet childhood cancer research receives just 4% of the National Cancer Institute’s annual budget.

Raising funds for childhood cancer care and research is UIDM’s core mission. UIDM has pledged $5 million to the 11th floor of the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital that was named the University of Iowa Dance Marathon Pediatric Cancer Center.

The student-run organization has also pledged $2 million to establish the University of Iowa Dance Marathon Chair in Pediatric Oncology, Clinical and Translational Research. In addition, UIDM gives $5,000 to families who lose a child to cancer to help cover funeral expenses. Donations raised through UIDM make a true impact in the fight against childhood cancer.

To contribute to UIDM’s efforts, consider making a donation through Sarah’s fundraising page.

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