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Corey Catt, Forage Product Manager

Like other crops, high-quality alfalfa is commanding a good price. Strong market prices can change the economic thresholds, making it easier to justify investing in pest control. Below are some charts to help guide you.

Many insects can damage alfalfa, so it’s important to build a plan that keeps alfalfa healthy. Insects can damage the plant so much that the plant can acquire a disease and die.

Each alfalfa plant is like a factory. Crop scouting, spraying and fertilizing is like providing critical maintenance to keep the factory operating efficiently, as well as to optimize yield and quality.

Controlling alfalfa insects generally involves two things: (1) spraying insecticide; and (2) cutting alfalfa early. Check out these two articles for more insight.

Alfalfa insects: What to look for and how to scout

Alfalfa Weevil

Weevil and leafhopper


Check out other alfalfa articles and videos from our experts.