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Phil Long, Precision Agronomy Specialist
Phil Long, Precision Agronomy Advisor

At Latham Hi Tech Seeds, we take pride in providing all the options for soybean herbicide traits. Each of these traits has its place, but there is only one product that I’ve seen prevent tough weeds like water hemp from even getting started.

Cereal rye used as a cover crop before soybeans eliminates early season weed growth without a pre-emergence herbicide. Allelopathic chemicals released by the cereal rye roots suppress growth of many challenging broadleaf weeds. This effect will eventually wear off, but mulch can continue to inhibit germination of light-sensitive weed seed.

If you’re using cereal rye to reduce weeds in soybean fields, it will be more beneficial to have seeding rates closer to a bushel per acre. Also use a guaranteed seeding method, such as a drill or vertical tillage tool, for an even stand to get adequate seed-to-soil contact.

Cereal Rye from Phil

Cereal rye adds more value than early season weed control. It can slow erosion, hold onto nutrients, break up compaction with its fibrous root system, increase the amount of water soil can hold during heavy rain events and provide food all winter long for the forgotten microbe population in your soil. This is the benefit of adding just one cover crop to your corn-soybean rotation!

In the Latham Premier Agronomy Center, our long-term plots provide tips for incorporating cover crops into your operation. This spring we planted earlier hybrids and varieties, so we can more easily establish cover crops this fall. You wouldn’t need to do this on every field, but it could extend your seeding window of opportunity and help you get that task done before you fully get into harvest.

Mark your calendars for Sept 8th to attend the unveiling of our Premiere Agronomy Center and to learn more about the practices we’re incorporating to help make cover crops work with our corn-soybean rotation!

LPAC Picture Resized
Latham Hi‑Tech Seed’s Premier Agronomy Center