Paintbrush strokes dividing page

Latham sales reps routinely spend time in the cabs of combines each fall, checking out yields and getting feedback directly from our farmer-customers. This year I said, “Why should sales reps have all the fun?” and climbed aboard a few combines myself!  

My first CAT ride!

Thanks to all the customers who let me ride along. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning every time I climbed into a cab and saw the yield monitor climb, mainly because I knew that every extra bushel pulled was extra revenue for our customers – and that’s what we’re all about at Latham.  But I’m not going to lie — seeing Latham hybrids out-yield our competitors by 20 bushels per acre or more didn’t hurt my feelings.

I was usually tweeting (sending out messages on Twitter) during my combine ride-alongs. Here’s just a sampling:

  • Rode in the combine of another happy customer. His Latham corn went 10 bushels better than the competition, yielding 212 bu/A in c-on-c.  
  • I rode in the combine w/ a customer Fri. whose Latham RR2Y Soybeans averaged 77 bu/acre. That’s the kind of whole-field average we like 2 c!  
  • It’s 75 and beautiful and I’m on yet another farm visit for the day. I’m starting to feel a little bit guilty about calling this “work.”  
  • Driving to work today, I shared the road with farm equip., school buses and livestock trailers. I’ll take that over a traffic jam any day.  
  • It was the perfect day. Great customers and a lot of time in the combine. Okay and beating the competition by 20 bushels wasn’t bad either.

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