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Corn and soybean crops are making excellent progress for the most part now that temperatures have warmed and ample rain has fallen. For a look at local planting progress and crop conditions around our six state territory, click here and select a region from the drop down menu.

Iowa’s corn emergence rating of 98% is slightly ahead of the five-year average. Soybean emergence is rated 87 percent, which is just over a week ahead of normal. The exception to this week’s positive crop report is southwest Iowa and eastern Nebraska, which was pounded by hail on June 3.

hail.jpgHailed fields must be watched closely for weed flushes, although weed pressure is a challenge on all acres this spring. Recent rainfalls is making it difficult for the timely application of post-emergence herbicides in some territories across Latham Country. Crops are developing quickly, and many post-herbicides are limited by growth stage and/or crop height. Be sure to check crop development before entering a field, and carefully read all product labels. Also check weed speed and direction to avoid herbicide drift.