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Latham Hi‑Tech Seeds is becoming known for its untraditional field days, so it goes without saying that our company’s 65th anniversary will offer more than just plot tours.

Bring your entire family to company headquarters in Alexander, Iowa, on Saturday, Aug. 25!  From 9 AM to 3 PM that day, we’ll be offering programs and activities for the whole family.  Kids’ activities range from face painting and inflatable rides to a petting zoo.  Experience some old-fashion fun like gunny sack races and peddle tractor pulls.  We’ll also feature cooking demonstrations and a craft fair.

Our full lineup of speakers includes:

9:00 AM               Craft Show opens / Genetic Garden tours begin
9:30 AM               “7 Wonders of the Corn World” by Dr. Fred Below
10:30 AM             Tips to side-dress nitrogen
11:00 AM             John Latham welcomes guests to Latham headquarters
11:15 AM             2012 Farm Bill update by Congressman Tom Latham
11:30 AM             Picnic lunch
12:30 PM             “Consistently producing 300-bushel corn” by Dr. Fred Below
1:30 PM               “Selecting the Right Grain Cart for your operations”
2:00 PM               “Pushing soybean yields beyond 80 bushel”

We’d also offer tours of our production facilities and research plots to anyone who’s interested.  We’re especially excited about our Genetic Garden, which is a living museum of corn.  Our corn field tours will showcase new Latham® Gladiator Hybrids, which were developed to battle our field’s continuous corn challenges and win.  Our soybean plots showcase Ironclad Soybeans that protect your fields against Iron Deficiency Chlorosis, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Phytophthora Root Rot, and depending on your specific needs, either White Mold or Sudden Death Syndrome.

Make plans now to join us Saturday, Aug. 25, for some Good, Old-Fashioned Family Fun!  What would an anniversary celebration be without cake and ice cream, too?  We’ll serve up good times and good food as we celebrate 65 years of business and look forward to another great year ahead.